Installing Spara Navigator

How to deploy Spara's Navigator interface.

The Spara Navigator is a bottom right corner chat interface built specifically to power MQL to SQL conversion on your marketing website.

Step 1: Add Spara's script to your website

Do not add more than one Spara Javascript snippet to a page! If you have already installed a Spara product on this page skip to Step 2.

Copy your company's snippet from the Organization Settings page. You will need a Spara account with the "Manager" role.

Paste your company's snippet inside the <head> tag for all pages of your marketing website.

Here is a full example of how to deploy Spara Navigator:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="<app_id>.js"></script>

Step 2: Remove any JavaScript-loaded elements

Pages with Spara Navigator should not contain any other JavaScript-loaded elements, such as chatbots like Intercom, Drift, or Qualified.

Remove all chatbots! Spara will not be usable if they are present.

Step 3: (Optional) Tell Spara about your query parameters

You can tell Spara information you already have about the lead via query parameters. By supplying Spara with this information you ensure that Spara will not attempt to recapture this data, and will use this information to have a better conversation. See Query Parameters documentation for more information.

Last updated